Tuesday, December 18, 2018


December 14, 2018

Hello neighbors,

It has come to our attention, some property owners are committed/obligated to their current Trash hauler for the next fiscal quarter. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact Waste Industries, regardless, this month. You may need to place a future date with them. This will ensure your rate and service times. To address this, a grace period will be extended until the end of the fiscal quarter. After that, Waste Industries will be the Trash Hauler for your route. You must contact Waste Industries as indicated in the updated information sent out last week to initiate service and take advantage of the rate reduction.
Thank you again for your understanding as this is part of a process, as we are working to make it a smooth transition for everyone.
***Just as an FYI, the switch not only saves wear and tear on our private road it saves on average $22.00--$35..00 per quarter per household!
Any questions or issues, please contact -tphoa.md@gmail.com. You may also send a “confirmation” email to us, if you would care to. Thank you!

Regards, TPHOA

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