Sunday, September 21, 2014

Community Yard Sale Re-schedueled

The Tower Point community yard sale scheduled for September 27th 2014 is being tentatively re-scheduled for October 18th

Saturday, August 9, 2014

2014 HOA Meeting Minutes (July 25th, 2014)

Meeting Minutes of the Tower Point Homeowners Annual meeting July 25th, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2014 HOA Meeting Friday, July 25th at 7pm @ outdoor pavilion at 32 Tower Point Road

Greetings Tower Point Residents!
Please attend the 2014 Tower Point Homeowners Association Meeting scheduled for Friday, July 25th at 7pm on the outdoor pavilion at 32 Tower Point Road.

Current Officers:
President:  Kevin Sheffield
Vice President:  Lynne Caldwell
Treasurer: Sandy Candeloro
Secretary:  Lisa Doricchi
Member at large:  Carol Wieser

Agenda Items for Discussion
Beach Issues and gate/lock proposal
Court Case Update on Property Liens regarding non-payment of dues
Date for Community Yard Sale Proposal
Road maintenance issues:  Repairing cracks?  Possible Speed Limit posting?
Treasurer’s Report/Discuss budget
Dues !  $250.00 - - Invoice for your records is attached.
Future Annual Meeting Date Change to March Proposal
Other:  Health Department Issues with two properties on Tower Point Road
Elections for new officers for the Board of Directors of TP HOA
TPHA web blog was created by Kevin Q and will be used for announcements, reports and updates; as well as beach functions.  Please post any concerns there or send to

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Frozen beach

Its getting pretty frozen over out there.  Can't wait till it warms up and all of this ice goes away. Sounds like we have another snow and ice storm on the way.  Be safe and stock up on food and fuel, incase it turns to ice


cold frozen beach on elk river
cold frozen beach on elk river
cold frozen beach on elk river
cold frozen beach on elk river
cold frozen beach on elk river