Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The shed is now down at the beach and it looks great. Thanks Lynne and Dan!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Letter to North Bluff

Dear Rich (President of the North Bluff Homeowners Association): My name is Lisa Doricchi and I am secretary of the Tower Point Road Homeowners Association. I am calling to request a favor from your North Bluff Homeowners Assocation/residents. We have a private road that requires maintenance about every 5 -7years. Kris Thompson is a resident here and has secured a company to do a road resurfacing project. This will add a layer of a special material that will further prevent the road from cracking. This project however, will require that we not drive on the road for about 24 hours. We will have an issue with trying to find parking spots available for some of the cars within that 24 hour period. We are requesting some parking space on North Bluff Road. I cannot speak to exact hours when cars would be there and we do not have a date set yet - - but we are trying to get a weekday, preferably Tuesday, to have the work done in the near future. I do not know how many spaces we’ll need yet either. I’m guessing around 15 - 20 or less parking spaces may be required? The rest of us will try Vanderlyn Rd. or Farm Lane/Gour Road prospects. I can use my golf cart to transport people from your road to our road, and/or those who have mobility problems or need to carry things. We are requesting that the Road Company will not arrive until after 9 a.m. when most people have left to go to work in the morning. Those retirees who have to move their cars will be the first ones over to your road but the majority of cars would not arrive until sometime after 5pm. The cars will be moved by the next morning when folks have to go to work again, or take their cars back home. So there may be some foot traffic cutting through yards as well. If you can speak to your HOA about this and let me know if you can garner approval, we would be happy to hear back from you either way. I can let you know the exact date when I have more information. We of course would follow any guidelines you would propose. If your residents determine that there is insufficient room, we will understand and try to find an alternative way to manage this process. I know several of the residents on North Bluff road and that is how I obtained your contact info, but I do not know anyone that lives in Pleasure Shores - - and that could possibly be an alternate space to park cars. If you have anyone’s contact there, please let me know. Thank you Lisa Doricchi

8/17/2013 Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes from Board Meeting Board Members and other residents met on 8/14/2013 at Kevin Sheffield's house Present: Carol Wieser, Kevin Sheffield, Pat Woods, Lisa Doricchi, Lynne Caldwell, Rich and Kris Thompson * A vote was passed to use all funds from the General Maintenance Funds to repair the road rather than do a special assessment * Pursuant to this note, we will need to divide up duties to notify: School District, Postal Service, Sanitation Pickup, and I've asked Mary McKee to ask North Bluff HOA regarding provisions for parking. She will advise. * We had also planned to try to do this on a Tuesday as the road appears to have the least amount of traffic, you may want to tell the contractor that as well. * Lisa Doricchi will post information on Blog. * Lynne Caldwell to obtain a real estate box to put flyers in - - and Kevin Sheffield will make sign pointing to the box for people to pick up information regarding the road closure and emergency contingencies. * List of non-payors for 2013 as well as those in arrears should be sent to a lawyer (M Rowan to handle). Respectfully submitted, Lisa Doricchi From: Kristie Thompson [] Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 9:17 AM To: DORICCHI, LISA Cc:;;;;;; Subject: Re: Wed Mtg Schedule Change for Board Meeting? Good Morning, I spoke with Doug Mackenzie from TOTAL ASPHALT and told him we want to proceed with the Pavement Preservation and that we have some remaining questions before we do so. The answer to the questions are as follows: *Typically either the President or the Treasurer of an HOA will sign the contract; however, it is not that crucial they do so as long as someone signs it. * Scheduling will be done after they receive the contract. A request for Tuesday was asked and should not be an issue. * Hours of operation are usually 3-4 hours and can take place at 9:00 A.M. if that is the time we request. * The road can be driven on in 3 hours if needed, but is not recommended as the road is not fully cured. 20 hours is the time frame that is advised to stay off the road. Walking is fine, but note that shoes will get black from the road. Golf carts should be restricted as well. *Caution tape and cones will be used following the procedure. * We will be given a invoice for a deposit in the amount of $2,916. Hopefully that covers most question. He did not give a specific time to pay the deposit when I asked. I believe we can schedule and then give the deposit before the work is to be started. Dougs # is 888-735-8868 if anyone needs to contact him. Kris