Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tower Point Annual Meeting Agenda Updated with one *item

·        *Discuss vote on $$ to Law Office of William F. Riddle for collection matters that are outstanding for the association.  Rec’d notice from lawyers on July 9th, 2013

Greetings Tower Point Residents!
This is a meeting notice for the next HOA meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 11th at 7pm on the outdoor pavilion at 32 Tower Point Road (aka Pat ‘n Lisa’s).
The Board of Directors of the Tower Point Homeowners Association met on May 27th to confirm Board members and select officers.  Present were Kevin Sheffield, Pat Woods, Lisa Doricchi, Lynn Caldwell, Maureen Rowan, Bill Wilson, Dave Rowan, Sandy Candeloro, and Carol Weiser. 
The following officers were selected: 
President:  Kevin Sheffield
Vice President:  Lynne Caldwell
Treasurer: Sandy Candeloro
Secretary:  Lisa Doricchi
Member at large:  Carol Wieser
NOTE:  We are still looking for non-HOA homeowners to be on the Budget Committee in accordance with the judgment.  If no one volunteers, the default is to have HOA-members only create and maintain the budget.  Please call Lynne Caldwell as she would like to have committed members meet PRIOR to the annual HOA meeting to devise budget.  410-885-3360
Agenda Items for Discussion
·        TPHA web blog was created by Kevin Q and will be used for announcements, reports and updates; as well as beach functions.
A 4th of July parade is being planned - so check it for updates!  This is a kid and pet friendly event and has become an annual tradition.

·        EMAIL addresses wanted for easier communication! Please send email address to Lisadoricchi@yahoo.com

·        Mosquito spraying:  The cost has increased to $50 per spray. This amount has been raised from $25 and is done on a weekly basis; discussion if warranted.

·        Vote on proposed shed being donated to the beach area

·        Bring up stop sign recommendation or mirror to be posted at the intersection of Tower Point Road and the beach road due to safety issues of the tall fence obscuring the view in making the turn.    Also discuss                         trimming of overhanging branches on the beach road.

·        Road maintenance issues:  Sealing road or repairing cracks?  Possible Speed Limit posting?  

·        Treasurer’s Report/Discuss budget

·        Dues !  $250.00, please get them in folks, we have good use for those funds in much needed road repairs, beach property insurance, mosquito spraying, ice/salt, beach road mowing, snowplowing, etc.  Invoice for your records is attached. 

·        Other:  Health Department Issues with Pre-foreclosure of 86 Tower Point, vandalism of Tower and trespassing on the beach.

·        *Discuss vote on $$ to Law Office of William F. Riddle for collection matters that are outstanding for the association.  Rec’d notice from lawyers on July 9th, 2013

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